Friday, October 2, 2009
A Year Gone By
It's been so busy lately that I don't have a whole lot to post. So, I thought it would be nice to look at a few photos of sibling love from this time last year.
I'm so glad that their bond just keeps getting stronger.
Pee Pee on the Potty!!!
At her 18 month check up the doctor and I talked about potty training. I am in no hurry, but the Dr. suggested getting a potty and letting her sit on it. Also, taking her with me, and dumping the contents of diapers into the potty. I took her advice, and it turns out that daughter of mine is a very quick learner. Every day she leaves something in the potty at least once.
Good for you BABY girl!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The semester begins...
Fancy Feet
My Ice Cream
Daddy Save Me!!!
A couple of weeks ago, Abby decided she didn't want to put her pj's on after her bath. I tried to explain to her that she was going to be cold, but I guess she had other things in mind. After running as fast as her naked legs would take her, this is where she hid.
I see her plan was for Daddy to keep her warm.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Just stopping by...
One would think that I would be posting much more with extra time this summer...
Unfortunately, we really haven't been up to much. Abby is growing so quickly and talking more everyday. She is so different from Gavin it's amazing. Her energy if breathtaking (literally) and she definitely keeps you on your toes. A spitting image of her Dad, she loves to be outside and can find joy in the simplest things; which very much includes the neighbors gravel driveway. Twenty minutes could be spent just running her fingers through the rocks. And of course, she keeps practicing her smile.
Gavin hasn't been very busy, especially with baseball over. After much encouragement from Chris and I he has finally started spending a lot of time with the neighborhood kids. Lately you can find him a couple doors down playing ball in the field. He is not however, excited about going back to school in two weeks. I can't believe he's going to be in fourth grade!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Practice makes perfect
The Tired Birthday Boy
I guess as we get older those birthdays just seem like any other day... Chris and I both had to work on his special day this year so the celebration happened a little late, say almost 10 pm. Grandma H gave over to play with the kids and brought yummy cake for the birthday boy. The kids and I spent the day making him cheesecake and wrapping gifts.
That was Chris after opening his gifts in bed.. After gift opening the two boys used the super boot covers as pillows while I dished out cake.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Happy Independence/Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Grandpa H!!! We all gathered for Grandpa H's birthday on the 4th as previously reported by Robyn. There was good food, company, and CAKE!! Afterward everyone headed out for fireworks and Chris and I took Abby for a far away first experience. She was asleep before we got down the street, but we woke her when we parked in Kmart parking lot and she watched the "etties" without loud sound.
If you ask me, the greatest thing about family gatherings are things like these..
Girly hair
Busy Days
I know I haven't posted in almost a month so there is lots to talk about. Abby of course is growing like a weed and increasing her vocabulary daily. She also has been using her brothers sandals as wings to fly around the house (see below)
And is determined to get someone to push her in her babies stroller.
Gavin's baseball team placed 2nd in the league, and don't tell him but I'm thrilled they are done for the season. Twice a week games are a little much to fit into the schedule, either that or I'm just out of practice. So, on to the next post....
I just realized that the way these post, I probably should have done this one last. Oh well
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Today Gavin had a friend spend the night, so Abby and I spent some girl time together. The weather was beautiful and we turned circles in the front yard. I couldn't get any pictures of her turning circles because I had to spot her as she tumbled. I did capture some shots of her admiring the world around her.

The Screwballs
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Miss Independent
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh my!
Okay, maybe Monkeys and Turtles and Koalas, oh my!
I took the kids to the zoo last Saturday and we had so much fun. Abby was amazed with all the primates.
Nobody really cared about this very slow...turtle, but I thought he was a cutie.
I took the kids to the zoo last Saturday and we had so much fun. Abby was amazed with all the primates.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Baseball season, Hooray!!
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